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NORCO – Análisis

Nota: El juego ya ha recibido traducción al español.

Si tuviéramos que definir NORCO de la manera más sencilla posible podríamos decir que se trata de una aventura gráfica de point and click muy basada en el texto, en los diálogos y conversaciones, pero si queremos ponernos un poco más poéticos podemos describirlo como una experiencia de exploración narrativa que nos sumerge en un pútrido mundo en el que el ciberpunk, el gótico sureño y el realismo mágico se dan la mano. De cualquiera de las dos maneras, la premisa de este primer proyecto del estudio independiente Geography of Robots no sólo es especialmente atractiva de primeras sino que convence a medida que avanzamos en su intrigante historia y acaba dejando un extraño poso cuando llegamos a sus créditos finales.

Basado en miedos reales

NORCO toma su nombre de una ciudad real de Estados Unidos, concretamente del sur de Luisiana, muy cerca de Nueva Orleans. No es una ciudad, en realidad, es un pequeño asentamiento que a día de hoy tiene apenas más de 3000 habitantes y cuya existencia está intrínsecamente relacionada con una refinería de petróleo (New Orleans Refinery Company, siglas que dan nombre a la zona) marcada por un lamentable incidente que tuvo lugar en 1988, una explosión que causó estragos tanto en la ciudad como en la población, tanto en las reales como en las que aparecen en el videojuego; la obra de Geography of Robots está fuertemente marcada por el pesimismo que acarrea una situación de esas características, aunque adelanta el tiempo a un futuro indeterminado en el que incluso ha cambiado la forma en la que se miden los años.

En la encrucijada entre este contexto de pesimismo real y la tristeza propia de los géneros literarios en los que se basa NORCO se sitúa una aventura bañada de melancolía y miedo. Nos ponemos en la piel de una joven que vuelve a su casa tras la muerte de su madre, cinco años después de comenzar un viaje por Estados Unidos con el que básicamente quería huir de la situación de pesadumbre en la que se encontraba. Al volver nos encontramos con que nuestro hermano no está ni en la casa en la que compartimos infancia, ni en el cutre supermercado de la gasolinera, ni en el bar en el que los vecinos suelen verle todas las noches; su búsqueda es el motor inicial de esta historia que pronto se irá por otros derroteros.

A medida que avanzamos en esa investigación vamos descubriendo nuevos lugares que explorar, rincones de una ciudad decadente habitada por almas en pena que nos ayudan (o no) a continuar buscando a nuestro hermano. Todo ello lo hacemos con las mecánicas más habituales de los point and click, es decir, interactuando con objetos del escenario, escogiendo opciones en la caja de diálogos y buscando nuevas formas de pasar a la siguiente pantalla estática. En NORCO, eso sí, se amplía la gama de interacciones que podemos realizar con ciertas ideas que, como suele ocurrir al afanarse en innovar, a veces están mejor llevadas que otras: por ejemplo, hay momentos de combate y exploración activa que rompen con la parsimonia de la obra, pero no aportan demasiado a nivel jugable.

Sin embargo, hay otras ideas que, como decíamos, sí le dan al juego un toque de frescura que lo aleja de las aventuras gráficas más tradicionales y le han valido para recibir comparaciones con obras de la talla de Disco Elysium o Kentucky Road Zero; es el caso del mapa mental, una sección del menú que nos da acceso a los pensamientos de la protagonista, que se van desbloqueando a medida que exploramos los hilos narrativos del juego. Es como un gran tablero de teorías que hay que revisitar constantemente, ya que nos ayudará a trazar líneas entre los elementos de la historia y así comprender qué es lo que está ocurriendo, además de cómo se siente nuestro personaje ante ello.

Sólo disponible en inglés, pero no por mucho tiempo
Por el momento, ‘NORCO’ está disponible sólo en inglés, una característica que puede limitar el público al que llegue esta magnífica obra. Sin embargo, los creadores del juego ya han avisado de que hay una traducción al español (y a otros idiomas) en camino que llegará pronto, poco después del lanzamiento. Todavía no hay una fecha concreta, pero si no tenéis mucho control del inglés os recomendamos esperar: el lenguaje del juego es sencillo en los diálogos, pero bastante enrevesado en las descripciones, lo que puede provocar que nos perdamos algunos detalles importantes de la trama.

Adiós al ciberpunk ochentero

El añadido del mapa mental, entre otros que también cumplen su cometido en mayor o menor medida, no funcionaría si la escritura de NORCO no fuese tan buena como lo es. Cuenta con algunos momentos excesivamente recargados y poéticos que compagina con otros de lectura muy sencilla, sobre todo en los diálogos, y juntos refuerzan la idea de que estamos visitando un mundo de contrastes que tiene hueco tanto para el drama como para la comedia, tanto para lo divino como para lo humano. Los personajes con los que hablamos, además, derrochan un carisma creíble con el que marcan su lugar en este universo tan bien construido.

Y esa es otra de las virtudes de NORCO: lo bien construido que está su universo ficcional. El worldbuilding del juego es una maravilla y es lo que en última instancia nos invita a continuar jugando: conocer a sus personajes, explorar su mundo, perder el tiempo en conversaciones con segundones que sabemos que no llegarán a ningún lado… En esas charlas descubrimos una sociedad futurista y precaria, pero también religiosa, elitista, absurda, lógica e irreal. Todo ello enmarcado en un ciberpunk que por fin imagina el futuro desde la actualidad, basándose en los miedos de la sociedad moderna para proponer una distopía no tan lejana en la que hay algo más allá de los típicos carteles de neón, el transhumanismo y las megacorporaciones. Aunque estos elementos característicos no faltan en NORCO, el juego busca aderezar su historia con rasgos más relacionados con la realidad actual, como la radicalización de la juventud obrera o la uberización del trabajo.

Evidentemente esto se refleja también desde su apartado audiovisual, que es una completa delicia y se establece como otra de las grandes bondades del juego. Su pixel art es tan bueno que prácticamente cualquier escenario puede convertirse automáticamente en fondo de pantalla de nuestro escritorio: las estampas con las que NORCO refleja la Nueva Orleans decadente ciberpunk hacen que casi sea apetecible visitar ese futuro distópico. Eso sí, hay momentos en los que el estilo de dibujo no parece consistente, ya que en ocasiones se entremezclan diferentes técnicas de pixel art, algunas más definidas que otras, lo que genera una extraña sensación de discordancia estética. No obstante, dejando a un lado esas excepciones, hay un exquisito control de la dirección artística más allá del dibujo pixelado, con efectos glitch, una magnífica interfaz y, por supuesto, una excelente banda sonora compuesta por Gewgawly I que se puede encontrar en formato independiente en Bandcamp.Venir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online


NORCO es una brillante propuesta que utiliza las mecánicas básicas de las aventuras gráficas de point and click para permitirnos explorar un mundo distópico con tintes ciberpunk pero asentado en la sociedad actual, partiendo de pesimismos de nuestra cotidianeidad y sazonándolo todo con toques de realismo mágico y gótico sureño. Es una experiencia narrativa muy pausada, de las de sentarse a leer y perderse en sus diálogos, por eso es una pena que haya llegado exclusivamente en inglés (aunque no tardará mucho en recibir una traducción al castellano, según sus autores). También invitan a ello las magníficas ilustraciones pixel art que sirven como escenarios del juego, aunque a veces se pierdan en una mezcla de estilos algo desconcertante, y una banda sonora que refuerza la solemnidad del conjunto.

Hemos realizado estas impresiones con una copia del juego para PC.

Tragamonedas Gratis Online!–totalparrafos:11–>

Tom Holland Gives Update On Next Spider-Man Movie — "We Have A Legacy To Protect"

Tom Holland has discussed the future of the Spider-Man film series, saying he will “always” want to make more films, but he’s is mindful that they get the story right before he agrees to come back to play the character again.

“The simple answer is that I’ll always want to do Spider-Man films,” Holland told Deadline. “I owe my life and career to Spider-Man. So the simple answer is yes. I’ll always want to do more.”

Holland said a team of the “best in the business” is currently cooking up ideas for “whatever the story might be” for another film. Holland said he’s wary of protecting the legacy of the series.

“Until we’ve cracked it, we have a legacy to protect,” he said. “The third movie was so special in so many ways that we need to make sure we do the right thing.”

Holland went on to say that, for the first time in the Spider-Man series, he’s involved in the creative process “so early,” and he’s having a good time.

“It’s just a process where I’m watching and learning. It’s just a really fun stage for me. Like I said, everyone wants it to happen. But we want to make sure we’re not overdoing the same things.”

Before this, Holland said he considered walking away from Spider-Man and passing the baton to someone else to play the character. But Holland is keen to come back for another movie, provided the story is good enough.

“Whether or not we can find a way to do justice to the character is another thing. I feel very protective over Spider-Man. I feel very, very lucky that we were able to work on a franchise that got better with each movie, that got more successful with each movie, which I think is really rare, and I want to protect his legacy,” Holland said in 2023. “So, I won’t make another one for the sake of making another one. It will have to be worth the while of the character.”

Holland has starred in three mainline Spider-Man movies so far, including Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021). Holland has also played Spider-Man in multiple Avengers movies.

In addition to Holland’s next Spider-Man movie, a Spider-Woman film is in the works and will be here “sooner than you’d expect.”

Chicago casino resort proposal attracting prominent Nevada interest

At least four casino firms reportedly responded to a recent informal request for information (RFI) exercise that Chicago launched as part of its campaign to bring a large gambling-friendly resort to the United States’ third largest city.

According to a Wednesday report from the Las Vegas Sun newspaper, the companies that took part in this intelligence gathering process included Wynn Resorts Limited as well as MGM Resorts International and its MGM Growth Properties real estate investment trust. The Las Vegas-headquartered concerns were purportedly asked to respond to a number of general questions including where such a development should be located in addition to how much land would be required and the duration of construction.

Fertile ground:

The newspaper reported that Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot (pictured) revealed that her administration is eager to bring a Las Vegas-style casino resort to the giant Illinois city following the 2019 passage of enabling legislation but has yet to agree a concrete timeline or any specific host site. However, the Democratic politician purportedly also explained that such a venue would form part of a larger entertainment complex seeking to attract visitors from across a metropolitan area that is already home to over nine million people.

Coming consideration:

Moving forward and the newspaper reported that Chicago now intends to launch a more official RFI process from next month so as to be able to premiere a ‘world-class’ casino resort for ‘The Windy City’ by the end of the decade. Lightfoot purportedly moreover declared that she would like at least some of the coming operating candidates to be headquartered in Las Vegas as the Nevada city ‘is the epicenter of all things gaming in the world’ and serves as ‘the gold standard of casino gaming.’

Rival runners:

The Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper used its Tuesday report on this matter to divulge that Hard Rock International Incorporated is furthermore thought to have participated in Chicago’s recent casual RFI exercise. This company is an entity of the federally-recognized Seminole Tribe of Florida and could purportedly soon join a club of candidates that may include the likes of Penn National Gaming Incorporated and the newly-enlarged Caesars Entertainment Incorporated seeking the right to build and run a casino resort in the Cook County city.

Added benefits:

The winner of the Chicago area casino license would also reportedly be given permission to run slots within city’s pair of international airports, O’Hare International Airport and Midway International Airport, with any resultant tax revenues being earmarked for the local fire and police pension funds. The selected operator would moreover purportedly have the right to open and run a temporary gambling-friendly venue for up to 36 months while its more permanent facility is being built.

Lightfoot reportedly stated…

“I think we’ve got a tremendous amount to offer and particularly for some of the more experienced gaming interests that do have Las Vegas as their home address.”

Mets Owner’s $8 Billion Casino Proposal in Queens to Include Community Investments

Eleven casino companies are in the race for the three available casino licenses in the downtown New York City. One of the patient runners is Mets owner Steve Cohen, who has recently partnered with the casino and entertainment giant Hard Rock International to offer an $8 billion casino resort development next to Citi Field in Queens. But some local community members are opposed to the proposal that would use the land of the adjacent Flushing Meadows Corona Park.

Community Concerns:

According to Spectrum News (SN), some residents have raised concerns about the park land and the possible arrival of the casino and the associated content.On the other side, Cohen and Hard Rock argue that the $8 billion investment will reportedly be used to create the Metropolitan Park that will include 25 acres of open public space and community investment. Corona resident Javier Otalora reportedly said: “They can invest in many other ways, but not a casino, though. A casino brings along, it may bring jobs along, but it also brings along other things that we’re not ready for.”

In return, the investment partners announced that the Metropolitan Park would bring around 15 thousand jobs into the area. Michael Sullivan, of Steve Cohen’s Point72 Asset Management reportedly said:  “The way this is going to work, the community benefit fund is going to have members of our local community in Queens, so they can advise us on what the important priorities of the community are. I think those priorities shift over time.”

Billion Development Proposal:

SN reports that Point72 presented its $8 billion plan for the development. The plan reportedly includes 20 acres of park space plus five acres of athletic fields on Citi Field’s parking lots. Further, the development will include a range of amenities and improvements, such as the facilitation of access to the Willets Point station. It will also include a Taste of Queens food hall, as well as investments into community programs, such as immigration legal aid, health care, and youth and senior programs, as SN reports.

As the plan simultaneously gains support and provoke opposition within the community, State Sen. Jessica Ramos has recently summoned a town hall to ensure that the Queens community is acquainted with the proposal to be able to weigh its prospects. Ramos, a Queens Democrat, reportedly said: “This is a really important decision. I still think not enough community members know about either proposal or that there is this possibility of a casino coming, and our community does deserve to know.”

As reported by SN, State Sen. Ramos may impact the decision on the eligibility of the proposal. She can reportedly choose one of the five members of the community advisory committee, a body entitled to reject the plan. Until further notice, Cohen and Hard Rock continue the race with ten other casinos for a downtown casino license.

Bragg Gaming Group Launches Turnkey Solution with Kings Entertainment for Online Expansion in Czech Republic

Bragg Gaming Group has officially launched its comprehensive turnkey solution in collaboration with Kings Entertainment A.S., a prominent Czech land-based casino operator. This partnership marks a significant milestone as Kings Entertainment ventures into online gambling under the brand Kingsbet in the Czech Republic.

Comprehensive solution offered by Bragg:

Under the terms of their agreement, Bragg will provide Kingsbet with a full suite of services including Player Account Management (PAM) technology, exclusive content from Bragg studios, and aggregated online casino offerings through the Bragg HUB. Additionally, a fully localized sportsbook integration in collaboration with Altenar will be provided, ensuring a robust platform for Kingsbet’s operations.

Bragg’s turnkey solution equips Kingsbet with powerful automation tools and advanced marketing capabilities. This includes Bragg’s FUZE player engagement toolset tailored for both casino and sportsbook operations. Features such as Free rounds, Missions, Quests, Journeys, Recommendation engine, and Jackpots are designed to enhance player acquisition, conversion, and retention.

Matevž Mazij, Chief Executive Officer of Bragg Group, expressed pride in supporting Kings Entertainment’s transition to the online market: “We are honored to partner with Kings Entertainment, a leading European entertainment and gaming brand, to provide our full-service turnkey solution as they expand their market-leading operations into the online realm in the Czech Republic.”

As Bragg Gaming reports, David Vaněk, Chief Executive Officer of Kingsbet, highlighted the rigorous licensing process and compliance with the new Gambling Act effective January 2024: “Kingsbet will offer players ‘The King´s experience’ in sports betting and casino, with plans to introduce a Live casino product later this year. Bragg´s platform will enable us to enter the Czech market with powerful tools and a highly competitive product offering.”

Industry expertise and market position:

Founded in 2003, Kings Entertainment currently operates three prominent land-based casinos in the Czech Republic, including Kings Rozvadov, Admiral Rozvadov, and Hilton PragueCome from Online Betting Site. Known for hosting major poker tournaments and attracting over 500,000 visitors annually, Kings Entertainment holds a significant 40% share in the Czech land-based casino market.

The Czech online casino market is poised for substantial growth, projected to reach approximately US $1 billion in gross win by 2024, reflecting a 30% increase year-over-year from 2023. The market expansion follows regulatory amendments allowing for a broader range of licensed online gaming options, including live dealer games, effective January 1, 2024.

Bragg Gaming’s collaboration with Kings Entertainment underscores its commitment to expanding its footprint in global iGaming markets through innovative technology solutions. The partnership aims to capitalize on emerging opportunities in the evolving landscape of online gambling, leveraging Bragg’s expertise to deliver a superior gaming experience to players in the Czech Republic and beyond.Come from Online Betting Site

Responsible Gambling Affiliate Association Unveils New Membership Program

The Responsible Gambling Affiliate Association (RGAA) announced recently that it will be launching a new membership initiative at SBC Summit North America. With the help of the program, RGAA wants to keep fostering a stronger community of affiliate companies while at the same time prioritizing consumer protection.

RGAA Expands Membership to Strengthen Integrity and Consumer Protection EffortsCome from Online Betting Site

Max Bichsel, Chair of RGAA, emphasized the importance of the fresh program, stating: “The launch of our membership program is a pivotal moment for the RGAA as we strive to promote responsible gambling practices and advocate for equitable regulation in the industryCome from Online Betting Site. With each new affiliate that joins our ranks, we fortify our efforts to ensure that integrity and consumer protection remain at the forefront of our sector.”

RGAA was founded in 2023 by a consortium of industry giants including Better Collective, Catena Media, FairPlay Sports Media,, Spotlight Sports Group, and XLMedia and since then it has upheld a commitment to promote integrity and responsible marketing practices.

With this new expansion of its membership rooster, RGAA wants to enhance its influence and build upon the foundation of the goals set by its initial members. New affiliates can reap the benefits of united representation in the gaming industry and will be able to access a wide range of resources such as regulation updates, educational materials, and tools designed to empower their businesses.

Better Collective CEO Highlights Industry Dedication to Player Welfare

Rasmus Sojmark, CEO and founder of SBC Gaming, also expressed enthusiasm regarding the collaboration, stating: “Last year’s Summit was a huge success and brought together industry leaders throughout North America eager to exchange ideas, collaborate and make lasting change. I am confident that this year will be no different and our collaboration with the RGAA will further elevate the conversation surrounding responsible gambling practices and player protection.”

Members are obliged to make a commitment to upholding responsible gambling standards. This also includes a yearly compliance audit. The membership also means that all participants receive the esteemed RGAA Standards of Excellence certification, which shows the member’s dedication to championing responsible gambling marketing and advertising practices, and safeguarding consumer interests.

Marc Pedersen, CEO of North America for Better Collective and RGAA board member, underlined the collective dedication to player protection the RGAA propagates and underscored that Better Collective as a founding member has over 20 years of experience in the industry. He further mentioned that he expects many new members to join the RGAA as the organization continues its work to ensure the improvement of safer gambling practices and the protection of players.